By Bus

The main scheduled bus service in Crema territory is managed by Autoguidovie – Cremona area.

Timetables and intermediate stops may vary according to the period of the year and/or the day of the week, however the main directions are Sandonato M3 (Milano), Verolanuova (BS), Orzinuovi (BS), Bergamo, Treviglio (BG), Mozzanica (BG), Crema. With changes, it is also possible to reach places non directly connected to Crema, such as Lodi, Chieve, Vailate, Pioltello.

For timetables and updated costs, please refer to the website

Crema is not directly served by Flyxbus. The nearest place where this service is available is San Donato M3 (Milano), which is connected to Crema by Autoguidovie service, as per above, lines n. K521 (direct), K524, K525 (with intermediate stops).
Cremona, instead, is the nearest place served by Italo Bus.